a person walking in front of a window with a view of the city

Aeroports de Lyon

Aéroport de Lyon Saint Exupery provides optimal customer service thanks to a centralized, secure infrastructure

  • Paese: Francia
  • Settore: Trasporto, Airport
  • Soluzione: Soluzioni e dispositivi connessi

Aéroport de Lyon Saint Exupery which is managed by Aeroports de Lyon has a handling capacity of around 9.6 million passengers, and ranks as the fourth largest airport in France, behind Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle, Paris-Orly and Nice Côte d'Azur.

The robustness and reliability of Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise products were key criteria in the choice of the solution. Being able to guarantee no disruption and offer uninterrupted service was also essential. In addition, our partner SYBORD, an associate of RESADIA which was awarded the UGAP telephony systems contract along with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise set up a dedicated team to provide 24/7 service.

Aéroport de Lyon Saint Exupery - logo
Le comunicazioni fluide, sempre disponibili sono prerequisiti che un aeroporto deve avere, dove tutti i servizi devono essere costanti e immediati. La soluzione ALE supportata dal team di manutenzione ci consente di offrire ai nostri clienti una qualità del servizio ottimale.
Nathalie Rebuffet, Telecom/ICTN Project Manager, Aeroporto di Lione Saint-Exupery

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